The Team Behind Nature Globe

Nature Globe Main Page

Nature Globe is a platform that provides free advice on topics such as gardening, growing houseplants, and organic cooking.

On this page, we would like to give you a brief overview about the team behind this platform.

This covers the creators of articles and videos on Nature Globe as well as the people behind the scenes who are responsible for the look and feel of the Nature Globe website and its social media channels.

Have a look at the descriptions below the following images to get more info on each of our team members. You may also click on the images to move forward to the author page of the corresponding person.


Joachim Schork
Founder of Nature Globe
Joachim Schork is the founder of Nature Globe. He is responsible for the strategic planning of the website, YouTube videos, and Social Media channels. Furthermore, he writes articles on topics such as the right way to deal with indoor palm trees and growing herbs on the balcony. Read more about Joachim...
Micha Gengenbach
Author & Social Media Manager
Micha Gengenbach is one of the main authors on Nature Globe. He is a specialist in growing succulents in temperate climates, and he also writes articles on how to grow plants from seed to mature tree. In addition, he is responsible for Nature Globe's appearance on Social Media. Read more about Micha...
Matthias Bäuerlen
Author & Video Creator
Matthias Bäuerlen is responsible for creating new content on Nature Globe. He is an absolute expert when it comes to finding the right fertilizer for a specific plant, and he also enjoys experimenting with mineral rather than organic soil. He creates both written articles and videos on these topics. Read more about Matthias...

Our Other Projects

Most of the Nature Globe team members and authors have worked together before Nature Globe was founded. The first time we started working together was on the Statistics Globe project.

Statistics Globe is an education platform that teaches how to program in R and Python, and how to apply certain statistical methods using these programming languages.

You might wonder: Why is a team dedicated to statistics and programming creating a platform on topics related to nature?! Well, the reason is that all of us are enthusiasts when it comes to growing plants in our private homes or at our workplace.

Figuring out the best way to grow a certain plant is one of our favorite topics when having a chat in the office. For that reason, we decided to take this common interest to the next level by founding Nature Globe. 🙂

Statistics Globe Programming & Statistics Platform

In case you are interested in the Statistics Globe project, you may visit the Statistics Globe website and the Statistics Globe YouTube channel.

You may also check out our About page at Statistics Globe to get even more info on the professional background of the people working at Nature Globe.

Please leave a comment below or send a message through any of our Social Media channels to get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you if you have any comments, questions, or recommendations!

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